Mitratel needed to implement a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to increase its long-term growth and profitability through a better understanding of client and customer habits.
Aside from this, Mitratel also wanted to validate and review their BI System e-procurement (BISpro) system, IT tools, and relevant databases to ensure the 100% accuracy of data in accordance with the deadline and service level agreements (SLA) presented in the contract.
For Mitratel, RPS proposed Competitive Intelligence (CI) services, improved business processes, the addition of a CRM function, and Change Management (CM) so that Mitratel’s business processes would run more smoothly, therefore allowing the company to better analyze customer behavior.
Our agile project method was further sharpened to speed up delivery service. We hosted a workshop with our clients to ensure that they took an active role in developing their solutions. This also allowed them to test that the CRM was successfully able to operate on a day-to-day basis.
Phase 1 was successfully completed in 7 months. Our Competitive Intelligence (CI) journey surveyed 600 people in 9 Indonesian cities.
We have delivered a Business Process Improvement (BPI) material that includes pain points + problem maps, root couse analyses, and improvement recommendations.
RPS and Mitratel have entered Phase 2 of this project.
CRM implementation and Change Management (CM) is ongoing.